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产品分类: WIFI模块
产品描述: 高集成度的低功耗Wi-Fi系统级芯片(SoC),具有行业领先的低功耗性能和射频性能
供应商型号: SG-ESP32-S2FN4R2
供应商: 国内现货
标准整包数: 1


    ESP32-S2 Family Technical Manual
    1. Product Introduction
    The ESP32-S2 Family from Espressif Systems is a highly integrated, low-power, 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi System-on-Chip (SoC) designed specifically for the Internet of Things (IoT), wearable electronics, and smart home applications. The series comprises several variants such as ESP32-S2, ESP32-S2FH2, ESP32-S2FH4, ESP32-S2FN4R2, and ESP32-S2R2, each tailored for specific use cases.
    Key features include:
    - Integrated Wi-Fi functionality complying with IEEE 802.11b/g/n standards.
    - Multiple peripheral interfaces for versatile connectivity.
    - Advanced security mechanisms to ensure data integrity.
    - Support for both static and dynamic power management to optimize performance and reduce energy consumption.
    2. Technical Parameters
    Below is a concise overview of the key technical specifications of the ESP32-S2 family:
    | Parameter | Value |

    | Operating Frequency | Up to 240 MHz |
    | Core Processor | Xtensa® 32-bit LX7 microprocessor |
    | Internal Memory | 320 KB SRAM, 128 KB ROM |
    | Flash Memory (Optional) | Up to 4 MB |
    | PSRAM (Optional) | Up to 2 MB |
    | Wi-Fi Standards | IEEE 802.11 b/g/n |
    | Transmit Rate | Up to 150 Mbps |
    | Power Supply Voltage | 3.3 V |
    | Operating Temperature | -40°C to +105°C |
    These parameters provide flexibility across various IoT applications while ensuring optimal performance and reliability.
    3. Product Features and Advantages
    The ESP32-S2 family boasts several unique advantages:
    - Versatile Connectivity: Offers extensive peripheral interfaces including SPI, I2C, UART, I2S, and USB.
    - Advanced Security: Equipped with cryptographic accelerators for AES, SHA, and RSA, along with hardware-based random number generation.
    - Low Power Consumption: Multi-mode power management ensures efficient energy usage.
    - Extensive Compatibility: Compatible with various external memory configurations to enhance storage capacity.
    - Secure Boot: Prevents unauthorized firmware loading, ensuring system integrity.
    These features make the ESP32-S2 series a leading choice for IoT developers seeking robust yet flexible solutions.
    4. Application Case Studies and Usage Recommendations
    The ESP32-S2 family finds applications across diverse sectors:
    - Smart Lighting: Control systems for smart homes and commercial buildings leverage its Wi-Fi capabilities.
    - Healthcare Monitoring: Remote health monitoring devices benefit from its secure connectivity and low power requirements.
    - Industrial Automation: Industrial IoT systems employ it for wireless control and monitoring tasks.
    - Optimize the use of external flash memory to accommodate large datasets.
    - Utilize the multiple GPIO pins effectively to connect sensors and actuators.
    - Implement power-saving modes to extend battery life in portable devices.
    5. Compatibility and Support
    The ESP32-S2 family is compatible with standard peripherals and interfaces commonly used in embedded systems. Espressif offers comprehensive support through its official website, including documentation updates, SDKs, and developer forums. Additionally, the company provides certification documents for regulatory compliance.
    6. Common Issues and Solutions
    Here are common issues faced by users and their respective solutions:
    | Issue | Solution |

    | Wi-Fi Connectivity Drop | Ensure proper antenna placement and check RSSI levels. |
    | Power Consumption Higher Than Expected | Review the power management configuration and disable unused peripherals. |
    | Memory Overflow | Increase the e


接口 GPIO、SPI、I2S、I2C、UART、RMT (TX/RX)、LED PWM 控制器、脉冲计数器、全速 USB OTG、DVP 8/16 camera 接口、LCD 接口、DMA 控制器、TWAI® 控制器、12 位 SAR 模/数转换器、8 位数/模转换器、电容式传感 GPIO、温度传感器、64 位通用定时器、64 位系统定时器、看门狗定时器
天线形式 通过连接器连接外部天线
芯片平台 ESP32-S2FN4R2
频段 2412HZ~2484 MHz
工作电压 3V~3.6V
发射功率 -
接收灵敏度 -
协议 802.11b/g/n
长*宽*高 7mm*7mm*850μm
通用封装 QFN-567
安装方式 贴片安装
零件状态 在售
包装方式 卷带包装


ESPRESSIF SYSTEMS(乐鑫科技)是一家成立于2008年的无晶圆厂半导体公司,总部位于中国上海。公司专注于研发高性能、低功耗的无线通信和计算类微控制器,主要产品包括Wi-Fi和蓝牙低功耗(BLE)芯片。

1. ESP32系列:集成Wi-Fi和BLE的系统级芯片(SoC),广泛应用于物联网(IoT)设备、智能家居、可穿戴设备等领域。
2. ESP8266系列:集成Wi-Fi功能的SoC,适用于智能家电、智能照明等低成本物联网应用。
3. ESP-C系列:针对特定应用场景的Wi-Fi SoC,如ESP-C3针对成本敏感型应用。

1. 高性能:提供高性能的无线通信解决方案,满足高速数据传输需求。
2. 低功耗:优化的功耗管理技术,延长设备的电池寿命。
3. 易开发:提供丰富的开发工具和库,降低开发难度,加速产品上市。
4. 灵活性:支持多种无线通信协议,适应不同的应用场景。
5. 成本效益:提供具有竞争力的价格,满足不同市场的需求。


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ESPRESSIF/上海乐鑫科技 WIFI模块 ESPRESSIF/上海乐鑫科技 ESP32-S2FN4R2 ESP32-S2FN4R2数据手册


3D Model
价格梯度 中国香港交货 内地交货(含增值税)
1+ ¥ 17
库存: 999
起订量: 1 增量: 0
合计: ¥ 17


型号 价格(含增值税)
AI-WB2-01S ¥ 8.5
AI-WB2-12S ¥ 9.6
AP6212 ¥ 19.43
AP6236 ¥ 23.4
AP6256 ¥ 39
AP6275P ¥ 67.2941
AP6275PR3 ¥ 68.2353
AP6275S ¥ 67.2941
BW15 ¥ 12.35
EMB1082-E ¥ 12